Monday, 26 August 2013

NBN: Debunking Turnbull with Alan Jones - II

Commenting on: Turnbull to Alan Jones, 15-Jul-2013
which is not taking fibre into every house and not disturbing
everybody’s garden and not drilling holes in everybody’s walls but
taking the fibre further into the field so that it’s within a couple of
hundred metres from everybody’s home.
That’s fibre to the node.
 And we say that is the best approach
Framing "Disturbance" (synonym is "disruption") as an Issue.

Creating FUD, Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, where there should be none.

very technical/legalistic use of wording. Your services (phone and ADSL) will be deeply disrupted for days, not the rockery or paint work won't be disturbed.

This conflating of meanings & deliberate deception/misleading is classic Barristering...

a. Why is it so important for the Government to preserve the assets of a private company sold by the Coalition, with Turnbull in the Ministry, in 2006?

b. Fibre will get installed sometime, even Turnbull says that. Why is it better to put that off for as long as possible? Turnbull plans on wasting half his FTTN investment and in 10-20 years time, the major costs of Fibre, the civil works, won't have changed. Waiting saves nothing, only wastes time, money and opportunity.

c. Getting VDSL2 on is 1. expensive & disruptive to customer and 2. means a $300-$500 technician visit. Somebody climbing into your roof or under the floor to install a Central splitter. How is this NOT disturbance?

d. People are signing up for THREE, not ONE, 'disturbances':

  • Those 68,000 nodes 'at the end of the street' with big green boxes, 3 sets of holes (electricity, copper to pillar, fibre) AND getting your splitter.
  • Pulling OUT those 68,000 nodes, or worse yet, installing 1.25 million nodes for and pulling them out
  • Finally installing the permanent fix: Fibre

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